Environment (Protection) Amendment Rule,2020 : Coal Ash Content - No More Criteria for Power Plant
- Rajesh Deoliya
Key Words: Coal, Washery, Power Plant, MoEFCC. EPA Rule-2020
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GSR 02(E) dated 02.01.2014 of MoEFCC, mandates that with effect from the date
specified hereunder, the following coal based thermal power plants shall be supplied
with, and shall use, raw or blended or beneficiated coal with ash content not
exceeding thirty-four per cent, on quarterly average basis, namely
a stand-alone TPP (of any capacity), or a captive thermal power plant of
installed capacity of 100 MW or above, located beyond 1000 kilometres from the
pit-head or, in an urban area or an ecologically sensitive area or a critically
polluted industrial area, irrespective of its distance from the pit-head,
except a pit-head power plant, with immediate effect (i.e 2.01.2014)
(b) a stand-alone thermal power plant (of any
capacity), or a captive thermal power plant of installed capacity of 100 MW or
above, located between 750 - 1000 kilometres from the pit-head, with effect
from the 1" day of January, 2015;
(c) a stand-alone thermal power plant (of any
capacity), or a captive thermal power plant of installed capacity of 100 MW or
above, located between 500-749 kilometres from the pit-head, with effect from
the 5 th day of June, 2016:
clauses were not applicable on TPPs using CFBC or AFBC or Pressurized FBC or
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle technologies or any other clean
technologies as may be notified by the Central Government
Since raw coal has high ash content, blending will require procurement
of low ash coal which is generally imported and costly, hence the beneficiated
coal became popular. A beneficiated coal is a coal with higher calorific value
but lower ash than the original ash content in the raw coal obtained through
physical separation or washing process. The ash content is also important factor
because during transportation of coal, ash is also transported which has no
economic value on one hand and environment hazard on other hand. As a result
coal washeries became helpful in reducing the ash content in the raw coal and
increasing the gross calorific value for use in TPP.
Reason for Change:
Though the washing of coal is a good solution to reduce the ash
content of coal but in practicality, solution itself became a problem. The
rejects in the form of ash became an environmental hazard. The MoEFCC directed
Ministry of Coal and Coal India Ltd (CIL) to come out with solutions so that
the environmental clearance to the washery
projects could be granted accordingly. The CIL, based on the findings of high
level committee in year 2018 found following means of washery rejects disposal :
i) to use of coal in FBG power plants which consume low ash coal
ii) to dump the washery ash in mine void and
iii) to sale the washery rejects to potential customers.
Except point number (i) above, none of the options were found viable in
present circumstances because the washery reject contains effluents like Iron, Manganese
and some trace elements which may contaminate ground water and soils due to
leachates. The washery reject coal has
calorific value about 1800 Kcal/kg which can catch fire at the dumping site and
required careful handling.
The S.O 1561(E) dated 21.05.2020 of MoEFCC observes a) use of
low grade coal washery rejects, in the multiple small user industries,
generates more pollution etc. b) Whereas, the NITI Aayog, after analysing the
issue from the perspective of washeries, coal mining, transportation and
consumption of coal at power plants has, inter alia, summed up that use of
washery rejects in nearby industries generates more pollution; since washery
rejects are distributed in number of smaller industries, the pollution control
at numerous points is more difficult than controlling the pollution at power plant end; Ash generated
in the washing process pollutes water along with coal particles and cannot be
gainfully utilised; Coal washing process involves increased water use, effluent
generation; Disposal of washery rejects has negative environmental impact as it
has to handle and dispose huge quantity of low grade coal washery rejects,
liquid effluent streams, coal storage, handling coal dust, runoff and fugitive
dust; Coal washing also adversely impacts topography, water drainage pattern
and quality, water bodies, surrounding air quality at large scale; Washing
process increases the cost of power generation with no commensurate
environmental advantages etc. The outcome of NITI Ayog report has set the need
of change for use of coal in TPP.
The Amendment:
The above observations lead to
substitution of Rule 3 sub – rule (8) in EPA Rules,1986 through the
notification S.O 1561(E) dated
21.05.2020 which is as below:
(8) Use of coal by Thermal Power
Plants, without stipulations as regards ash content or distance, shall be
permitted subject to following conditions:
(1) Setting Up Technology Solution for emission
(i) Compliance
of specified emission norms for Particulate Matter, as per extant
notifications and instructions of Central Pollution Control Board, issued
from time to time.
(ii) In case of washeries,
Middling and rejects to be utilized in FBC (Fluidised Bed Combustion)
technology based thermal power plants. Washery to have linkage for middling
and rejects in Fluidised Bed Combustion plants.
(2) Management of Ash Ponds:
(i) The thermal powers plants shall comply with
conditions, as notified in the Fly Ash notification issued from time to time,
without being entitled to additional capacity of fly ash pond (for existing
power generation capacity) on ground of switching from washed coal to
unwashed coal.
(ii) Appropriate Technology
solutions shall be applied to optimise water consumption for Ash management;
(iii) The segregation of ash may be done at
the Electro-Static Precipitator stage, if required, based on site specific
conditions, to ensure maximum utilization of fly ash;
(iv) Subject to 2(i) above, the
thermal power plants to dispose flyash in abandoned or working mines (to be
facilitated by mine owner) with environmental safeguards.
(3) Transportation:
(i) Coal transportation may be
undertaken by covered Railway wagon (railway wagons covered by tarpaulin or
other means) and/or covered conveyer beyond the mine area. However, till such
time enabling Rail transport/conveyor infrastructure is not available, road
transportation may be undertaken in trucks, covered by tarpaulin or other
(ii) It shall be ensured by
the thermal power plant that
a. Rail siding facility or
conveyor facility is set up at or near the power plant, for transportation by
rail or conveyor; and
b. If transportation by rail or
conveyor facility is not available, ensure that the coal is transported out
from the Delivery Point of the respective mine in covered trucks (by
tarpaulin or other means), or any mechanized closed trucks by road.
(4) This shall also be deemed to
be additional conditions of the relevant Environmental Clearances for
respective projects for financial year 2020-21 and onward. The existing
Environmental Clearances shall stand modified so as to make the above
conditions operative for relevant sectors. The Consent to Operate shall be
issued by respective State Pollution Control Boards accordingly.
Effect of Change:
The amendment in the rule will give liberty to the TPP
to use coal of their choice irrespective of calorific value and distance.
However, they will still prefer low ash coal to avoid fly ash handling. It is
expected that the TPPs will adopt new technology for use of high ash coal and
Fly ash handling. The coal washery business growth will depend upon the growth
of FBC power plants. The problem of coal washery reject is still unattended,
washeries have to face tough questions from Expert Appraisal Committee for
environmental clearance.
The views expressed here are of writer only and do not belong to any organization, associated with.