Conflicts of Community, Industry and Environment
Day is not just an opportunity to raise concerns about the protection of
environment but it is also an opportunity to analyze the "Failures of
Developmental Projects" on account of conflicts arising from utilization
of natural resources and their effect on environment. Industrialization is one
of the main contributor to the economy and hence its relationship with the
environmental attributes should be friendly but in practice reverse is
true. Past experiences suggest that
every community in initial stage welcomes industries and other developmental
projects but at later stage the opposition to the projects starts. The
conflicts in the interests of stakeholders starts cropping out due to which
many projects are resting in the shelf. The conflicts in the interests arise
from the issue of sharing the cake i.e resources. Living in the era of
information technology, project related activities, benefits, commitments are
available easily. The community expects
and worries about the employment, resources conservation and augmentation,
better living conditions, improvements in amenities. When projects fail to meet
these expectations then resentment generates and conflicts starts.
Rajesh Deoliya

Rights on Resources:
The natural resources are community assets, which are used by
them conventionally – proportionately or equally. They are related to water, forest,
land, pasture land etc.. These resources are not valued by them in terms of
economics but developmental projects of which industry is major partner
extract the resources present at surface or below the surface, give them
value and earn. This earning breaks the rule/ principle of proportionate or
equal utilization of natural resources. The communities welcome a project in
anticipation of increased share in the resource utilization for surety of
livelihood of present and future generation and increase in per capita income.
Unfortunately resource rent is enjoyed by government, increased value is
enjoyed by project authorities while the community gets little of it,
although more they get is pollution, noise, nuisance, change in livelihood
from farmer to labour, demographic change induced by project activity
The Conflict:
natural resource conflicts have to be considered in policies, programmes and
projects. Such conflicts of interest are common in all communities. In recent
years, the scope and magnitude of natural resource conflicts have increased
and intensified. These conflicts, if not addressed, can cause environmental
degradation, disrupt projects and undermine livelihoods.
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, (MoEFCC)Government of
India while granting environmental clearances to various projects observed that
violations of the provisions of Environment Protection Act by project
proponents are common practice. Similarly, the Supreme Court of India in
Common Cause v/s union of India & ors came across with issues of illegal
mining beyond the permissions of environmental clearance. Recently, in
Vijayawada a gas leakage occurred in the premise of LG Polymer factory. These
are some of the examples where environmental attributes were compromised
resulting in the huge damage and community displeasure. The violation results
in penalties and sometimes closure of industry more to this, it generates
negative emotions towards the "Industries" which are back bone of
economic development. Industrial or developmental activities use Land, Water of community as inputs for manufacturing end use product
but simultaneously affect Air, Water,
Land, and community issues ( like health etc.) as output. Though mitigation
measures are available but increasing violation cases illustrate that
something more is required. Examples of conflict between community and
industrial activities are increasing resulting into winding up of projects.
This is particularly common for large projects like power plants, steel
plants, mining projects, Irrigation projects etc.
POSCO : Steel Plant in Odisha- A case of conflicts
India Private Limited, an Indian subsidiary of Korean conglomerate signed a
memorandum of understanding in June 2005 with the state government of Odisha
to construct a $12 billion steel plant in the Jagatsinghpur district of
Odisha. About 2700 acre land was acquired by government for the project. Resistance
from local communities and various delays prevented the company from starting
construction. Local communities have been opposing the project due to fears
of denuding the forests, displacement of residents, lesser economic
opportunities for local people, etc. Thus, the progress of the project was very slow, even with strong support from the
Indian government. The project has wind up but ecology has suffered due to
tree felling and land leveling.
Conflict Mitigation:
Attempts have been taken through legislature and other means to
formulate effective Conflict Management Mechanism some of them are as below:
i) Legal
- Expert Appraisal
Committee – Violation: The formation of Expert Appraisal Committee to
look after violation cases is a major approach wherein the extent of damage
to environment is adjudged and remedial plans and costs are decided to
restore the environment, which is borne by the violator.
- Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR): The section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies
Act,2013 and amendment in 2019 fixes the Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) of company based on the net worth
and profits and mandates formation of CSR Committees. These committees work
for various causes mentioned in the Schedule – VII of the act like
eradication of hunger and poverty, promoting education, gender equality,
environmental sustainability, protection of national heritage etc.
- Corporate Environment Responsibility
(CER) :Apart from CSR the MoEFCC
has also vide office memorandum dated 1st May,2018 mandated the
fund allocation for Corporate Environment Responsibility (CER) which
is ranges from 0.125 percent to 2 percent
of capital investment of project.
- District Mineral Foundation Funds: To
develop the backward areas where mining leases are situated, government of
India made provision of a special fund in the name of District Mineral Foundation
Fund (DMF) where an amount equal to
the 30 percent of Royalty in non auction mining leases and an amount equal to
10 percent of royalty in the auctioned mining leases is contributed towards
this fund which is used for local area development.
ii) At Project level:
The responsibility
of project proponent whether private or government is more than any one else because
they are the prime beneficiary. They are the user of natural resources and
creator of unequal resource utilization. Their commitment to the welfare of
the community at the time of transmitting project benefit at the time of
Social Impact Assessment, Public Consultation and day to day interaction with
the community for land acquisition should be transparent and through the well
laid policy. The grievance cell should be active and capable of taking
decision with the consent of management expeditiously. The CSR and CER
programmes should be attempted in consultation with the community for real
iii) At Government level:
The government is important stake holder
because it is the authority to grant necessary permissions and clearances to
the project and have direct contact with the project proponent and community.
It is the platform to address the grievance of community and project. A fast
and logical decision making for
grievance redressal will help timely
completion of the project. Many projects upon delay in grant of permissions
and clearance recieve negative impressions from the community which starts
non- cooperating with the project proponent. This generally affect land
acquisition process. The monitoring of environmental data by government is
another area where little ignorance or overlook can generate strong
opposition in the mind of community against the project.
iv) At Community level:
The communities
are heterogeneous group of people. Their choices and preferences may vary
greatly. The project activities involves resettlement and rehabilitation
activities so pro-project and anti-project lobby become active in an area.
many public representatives engage in the credit taking and twist the project
related facts in their favour. The provision of public consultation and gram
sabha ( village gathering) are meant for transmission of project related
information directly. It is always better to get clarification about the
project directly from the project or government authorities instead of
getting it from other sources.
Future Ahead:
Due to the depleting natural resources which includes land also,
it is being difficult for project proponents to timely execute projects. The
increasing list of incomplete projects, delayed projects have resulted into the
investment block. The financial institutions are taking extra care in project
financing and now a days financing to polluting industries or industries facing
resistance is difficult. Therefore, project management should also give more
attention to the environmental and community issues, an adoption of Sustainable
Development Goal (SDG) may restore the confidence of local communities in favor
of project. Many clearances in India are given after purchase of entire project
land which is wrong policy as projects
depend upon market conditions hence any change in the project timeline or
funding, affect the interests of land
losers and poor to generate resentment. Since economy is passing through a
recession phase it is pertinent to carry out honest efforts from all the stake
holders to work in well co-ordinated way to economic development and avoidance of conflicts.
The views expressed here are of writer only and do not belong to any organization, associated with.
One very serious point "Many clearances in India are given after purchase of entire project land" is of great concern. This make the Project Proponent to invest a lot of money, time & patience in terms of years to purchase the land with increasing risks & blackmailing from every corners.
This must be re-looked.
Thanking you.
Thanks, you have raised genuine concern.
Kindly mention your name also as Blogger does not identify names
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